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Who's Chalaine?


You can try to be a million different things. But the best feeling is becoming exactly who you dreamed you’d be. (I’m still working on that.) 

I’ve always been a creative. Imagining and making and writing. Turns out if you set your mind to something, nothing can stop you. It’s just a matter of learning that big goals require big courage. 

Not much has changed since this video. I'm just a little older and my room isn't quite as messy.

The truth is, I've been telling stories since I could talk - and writing them since I could spell. (Barely.) My journey after college led me to landing a job in advertising, where I've spent the last 10+ years writing for countless clients from global brands to small town businesses. With a passion for piecing together words that matter and will make a difference, I'm just trying to follow God’s calling on what to pen.

I believe in family forever, chocolate regularly and puppies always. I love to travel and have lived all around the country, calling eight different states home before settling into Connecticut where I'm now married to my best friend and raising a brand new baby girl and a rambunctious Fox Red Lab.

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